

Who we are

How it started

After weeks of symptoms without understanding why, Kaylee at the age of just 4, was in a hospital bed hooked up to IV’s battling to reduce her dangerously high blood sugar levels.  On the morning of August 27th, 2019, Kaylee was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D).  This was the day Juvenile T1D affected at least one family for the rest of their lives.

The TKJD (Team Kaylee Juvenile Diabetes) Foundation was founded in 2021 to honor Kaylee by helping individuals, like her, that battle Juvenile T1D.  TKJD’s very existence is to help families like Kaylee’s, to reduce the impact Juvenile T1D has mentally and physically.  Upon diagnosis, T1D families feel a sense of hopelessness and fear of not knowing what is to come.  The small everyday events that we take for granted, such as uninterrupted sleep and a quick meal on the run, are challenges faced by T1D families. A sleepover at grandma’s house, popcorn at the movies ,or an ice cream sundae are some of life’s treats that are afforded to those with T1D only when they have proper care and education.  The TKJD Foundation strives to bring together T1D families and the proper resources in order to help these families live carefree with their T1D.

how we do it

Our approach

Information and guidance on proper care and education is not readily available to individuals and families suddenly facing a lifelong challenge with T1D.  The TKJD Foundation aims to reduce the learning curve that the T1D community faces by providing the necessary education, support, and resources to improve the quality of life for families impacted with Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes.

Various fundraisers allow TKJD to bring awareness and serve as a charity, pending 501 (c) (3), to help the T1D community live carefree through educational courses, diabetic care, medical reimbursements programs and other resources.

why we do it

Our vision

Help families live carefree with their T1D

how you can help

Join us

TKJD is always looking for new community advisory board members, sponsors, donations, and the latest in education and technology to help with Juvenile T1D.